What is a Computer virus?
A computer virus is a program which has the ability to replicate itself and infect the target computer system. A computer virus can cause vast damage to a computer system if it is not detected and removed in time. Computer viruses mostly include computer worms, Trojan horses, root kits, spyware, malware etc. A computer virus has the ability to make unauthorized changes in the computer system and damage the system files and important data. Hence, to protect the computer system it is necessary to have efficient virus removal software installed in the computer.
Virus Removal
With the advancement of technology there has been a significant increase in the development of new viruses. In such a scenario it becomes necessary to protect your computer system from virus attacks. There are many virus removal services available in the market today which provide you with the facility of resolving your virus related issues at your home itself. Most virus removal software’s use the virus signature definitions database to identify the virus and remove it. A home based virus removal service not only saves the users time and money but also provides excellent technical support to the customer whenever required.
Crypto Virus
A friend of mine who runs a mobile computer business here in Cairns sent this out to all his customers.
He & I are seeing a lot of this crypto virus infection now.
It is deadly…
Bottom line is….don’t open any emails from persons or companies you are not expecting emails from.
Australia Post, Gov’t Departments, Microsoft, Banks, Courier companies WILL NEVER send you emails to click to download something.
Firstly – most won’t know your email address to send you an email anyway…especially Australia Post, Gov’t Departments & Courier companies.
Be internet safe & don’t open strange emails or ones that seem to be too good to be true.
Happy Computing everyone.
Hi Folks, this has come to a few of my clients and it is one of the worst ones I have seen .. It encrypts all your data even your backups and the data cannot be unencrypted, which means you lose all your personal photos, documents and backups of your personal photos and documents. Once infected, It travels through shared network drives and USB to external Hard drives.
This is the email (minus the live links to click on) so take heed.. This time, scammers are sending emails to unsuspecting Australians claiming to be from the NSW Office of State Revenue chasing an unpaid speeding fines. Also another from the post office “A Packet was not brought to you.” ( Notice the badly spelt words ) THESE ARE NOT FAKE ..
If you were by mistake to click on the attachment and download, please disconnect from the internet / network IMMEDIATELY. Call me or someone to remove the threat. You might be lucky to catch it in time.
Cryptolocker is a particularly nasty type of ransomware that criminals have used to encrypt files on a victim’s computer before demanding a ransom for the encryption key to unlock the files. Without the key, the encryption renders the victim’s files useless so many people lost files or paid the ransom.
Virus Removal Cairns